Our Commitment

Fidelis will help you organize, analyze, define and efficiently manage your assets.

Together we will plan and deploy a long-term, strategic investment plan, combining your views and our experience and know-how. Periodical meetings and reporting, analytic systems and sophisticated decision-making models will assure that every asset and resource you own is managed and invested in line with agreed-upon, pre-defined rules and policies.

At every junction of your personal, business or financial life, you will have immediate access to your Fidelis partner for discrete, professional and unbiased advice.

Fidelis’ Operations Team serves as your personal back-office, handling reporting, cash management and monitoring of financial transactions. Through our best-of-class global network of business partners you will enjoy the latest and safest business and investment opportunities.

Our reporting solution enables the timely monitoring of a myriad of assets dispersed over real estate, securities, currencies, bonds and alternative investments, in a clear consolidated format. Fidelis created the structure that will grant you a full understanding and real time control over the current performance of your assets with new possibilities and optimization tools to match your needs.


Consolidated Overview
Short & Long Term Policy
Periodical Reviews


Fee negotiations
Fee & Expenses Monitoring
Policy Execution


Global Capital Markets
Real Estate


Generation Handover
Funds and Social Responsibility